Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2020 - 2024)
Honours in: High Performance Computing and Massive and Linked Data
Selected in Vulcanus in Japan 2022-2023
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2013 - 2014)
Honours in: Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures and Computer Graphics
UC3M - Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation Group (January 2024 - Now)
Fujitsu Limited (January 2023 - August 2023)
Shazura (August 2018 - August 2022)
IBM (October 2017 - August 2018)
Here you can find OSS projects I have somehow contributed to.
Spanish - 2019
Talk about how to use Bash + Crontab to automatize tasks
You can watch it
Spanish - 2019
Presentation I did for a workshop at IBM
You can watch it
Spanish - 2016
My first public talk. Presentation of LaTeX and how to use it
You can watch it
TOM: PyTorch Optimization Module to ease the use of memory optimization techniques
Daniel A. Rodríguez López, Javier García Blas, Mónica Abella
November 2024
Estrategias para la mejora de gestión de memoria en algoritmos de aprendizaje
profundo para el realce de contraste de imágenes radiológicas de alta resolución
(Yes, it is the same as SARTECO)
Daniel A. Rodríguez López, Javier García Blas, et al.
August 2024
Strategies for memory management improvement in deep learning
algorithms for contrast enhancement of high-resolution radiological images.
(Yes, it is the same as SARTECO, but this will have a DOI)
Daniel A. Rodríguez López, Javier García Blas, et al.
June 2024
Estrategias para la mejora de gestión de memoria en algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo para el realce de contraste de imágenes radiológicas de alta resolución.
Daniel A. Rodríguez López, Javier García Blas, et al.
August 2023
Parallelization improvements in MPS simulation using Qiskit.
Work is merged into the Qiskit repository with a PR
Daniel A. Rodríguez López, Takumi HONDA, Masafumi YAMAZAKI, et al.